Wednesday, July 4, 2012


An old UP friend Diosy -- and her husband Raffi -- came to have lunch at my house today.  Though we live just over an hour apart, Diosy and I hadn't seen each other in person since 1994.   How do you explain that?  Just been busy, I guess.

Interesting how Diosy and I became friends.  We never took the same classes at UP.  We didn't have friends in common.  I just met her once when I checked out the organization UPSCA (UP Student Catholic Action).  It didn't appeal to me so I never joined.  I don't know if Diosy did -- I never did ask her.  But I saw her around campus often enough that we developed a lasting friendship.  She told me today that she remembers coming to my family's house in Cubao. We wrote each other many letters back when that was in fashion. 

She sent me this graduation picture of her in 1973 -- I was already studying at Brandeis then.

Today, she is just as beautiful.

Diosy and her husband Raffi are my son Richard's godparents.

 Outside my house today.

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