Saturday, April 7, 2012

REWIND: Reez's Birthday Party - April 7, 2012

My high school classmate Reez celebrated her 60th birthday last April.  She had a Mexican-themed party for family and friends at her house in Pittsburg, an hour away from Union City. The usual group of Bay Area gels attended:  Mary Ann, Eileen, Pat, and me.  Nena from Las Vegas also came.

After the party, Mary Ann gave me a ride back home.  Pat, Eileen, and Nena were also passengers in her minivan.  They were all returning to San Francisco or near there.  But first, they all got off the car to use my bathroom and to pick some lemon from the tree in my side yard.

 Mary Ann, Pat, Nena, me, Reez, Reez's cousin-in-law Boogie, and Eileen

My lemon tree

Photo albums: 

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