Friday, January 6, 2012

REWIND: Adobo Vinegar Test - January 6, 2012

What kind of vinegar makes the best tasting adobo?  I just had to do that comparison test, one night, after everyone had gone to bed!   For fun, of course.

 I used the same recipe 6 times, using a different type of vinegar each time: apple cider vinegar, red wine vinegar, white wine vinegar, seasoned rice vinegar, balsamic vinegar, white distilled vinegar.  Ironically, I didn't include the Philippine cane vinegar (sukang maasim) in this test.  It's because I didn't have any of that kind in the house that night.  My daughter asked why I had to get GALLONS of vinegar to do this test.  Well, that's the smallest quantity of vinegar they sell at Costco.

 Also, I did not have 6 cooking pots of the same size.  And the left rear burner was smaller than the rest.  But close enough.

 Pink and yellow labels taped on the handles to indicate type of vinegar used.  I was having too much fun!

And for piercing the chicken meat, 6 different forks!  Haha, I'm crazy.

Result:  In the end, I think I liked balsamic the best.  My son Richard liked the white distilled one.  The other members of the family had no opinion one way or the other.

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