Friday, May 25, 2012

REWIND: Palm Springs, California - May 18-25, 2012

We spent a week in Palm Springs, California last May and visited Joshua Tree National Park.  We exchanged our week time share of an efficiency in Ridge Tahoe for a week in a 3-bedroom condo in Palm Springs.  There were just four us -- K, Jennifer, Charlie, and I -- so there was more than enough room in the condo.

We arrived there on a Friday night.  Jennifer had to work on her semester project for a course she was taking at San Francisco State.  It was due on Monday and that's when she finished and submitted it.  So, the first day we went to Joshua Tree was Tuesday.  On Wednesday, we again went to Joshua Tree, then celebrated Jennifer's 30th birthday that evening back in Palm Springs.  On Thursday, we went to Mt. San Jacinto State Park, riding the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway.  On Friday, on the drive back to Union City, we passed by the San Bernardino National Forest, and went on an enjoyable one-hour hike.

The living in our Palm Springs condo

A restaurant in Palm Springs

On the drive to Joshua Tree National Park

Ryan Mountain in Joshua Tree National Park

Celebrating Jennifer's 30th birthday in Palm Springs

We rode the tramway up Mt. San Jacinto.

Wildflowers along the road on the way to San Bernardino National Forest

Photo albums:

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