Monday, July 9, 2012

31 Days Before England

We have our tickets to London and back, a rental car for 3 weeks in England, an apartment for 3 weeks in Bristol, a return train ticket to Paris, and an apartment in Paris for a week.  We've got the basics, I think.

Now for the hard part, the details.

I've been doing my research, looking up tourist information for every city and attraction within reach from our base in Bristol -- 2 hours by car from London.  I've been looking at maps in detail and been virtually walking/driving myself around those cities using streetview on  Ohh, I'm so tired now!  Especially with the driving part, haha.  I've learned to drive on the left side of the street already.  But "virtually" doesn't count, of course.

One thing I know for sure -- because I've read it over and over in every tour guide available -- is that we need raincoats.  Raincoats, umbrellas, waterproof shoes, quick-drying clothes... I know, I know, I get the picture.  It's going to rains cats and dogs when we're there, I get it.  So I better not forget the raincoats, I guess.

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